University of Lampung Field Study Visit to the UPI Tasikmalaya Digital Business Study Program

University of Lampung Field Study Visit to the UPI Tasikmalaya Digital Business Study Program

Tasikmalaya | On Wednesday, (27/10/2021) the Digital Business Study Program of the Indonesian Education University (UPI) Tasikmalaya received a visit from the University of Lampung (Unila). This visit is part of Unila’s field study activity agenda, which aims to prepare for the opening of a new study program on their campus. The delegation from Unila who attended included the Dean of the Unila Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Dr. Nairobi, SE, M.Si., Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Cooperation, Dr. Ernie Hendrawati, SE, M.Si., and Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance, Dr. Agrianti Komalasari, SE, M.Sc.

This visit was an opportunity for the FEB Unila delegation to gain direct insight into best practices in improving the quality of educational services, especially in the context of digital business. They realize that to build a strong image in the eyes of society, it is important to have quality educational services, not only from an academic perspective, but also from a practical perspective and application in the field.

During their visit, the FEB Unila delegation was involved in various activities, including a presentation on the curriculum structure and educational programs that had been implemented by the UPI Tasikmalaya Digital Business Study Program. They also have the opportunity to see directly the various facilities and facilities used in the learning process, such as the IoT Laboratory, which is the center for developing the latest technology in the digital business sector.

This activity ran successfully and smoothly, with an explanation of the curriculum structure, internship program and other programs that have been implemented by UPI Tasikmalaya Digital Business. As a follow-up, the two universities agreed to collaborate in the future, especially between the Unila Faculty of Economics and Business and the UPI Tasikmalaya Campus. This is a positive step in strengthening relations between educational institutions and expanding cooperation networks in the fields of education and research.