Student Mobility Program to NWIM RANEPA 2024

Student Mobility Program to NWIM RANEPA 2024

FEB Unila | The Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Lampung (FEB Unila) celebrated the release of two selected students who will take part in the student mobility program to NWIM RANEPA in Russia. Nanda Vestinaliyou from the Undergraduate Management Study Program and Putri Zahra from the Undergraduate Accounting Study Program will participate in the program for one full semester, starting from February 1 to June 30 2024.

This student mobility program provides an opportunity for FEB Unila students to gain learning experience in a different international academic environment. They will attend various lectures, seminars and other academic activities at NWIM RANEPA, as well as engage in valuable cultural exchanges with students from various countries. The Dean, vice deans, heads of departments, international teams, and parents of selected students congratulated Nanda Vestinaliyou and Putri Zahra for this opportunity, it is hoped that they can gain valuable experience and enrich their knowledge and skills in the fields of management and accounting.