Workshop Work Integrated Learning for Business School

Workshop Work Integrated Learning for Business School

FEB Unila | The Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Lampung (FEB Unila) was honored by the presence of a prominent Visiting Scholar, Professor Dr. Arshad Ahmad, who presented an interesting theme entitled “Less teaching, more learning! Best practices”, on Wednesday, (21/02/2024). This event was attended by FEB Unila lecturers who were interested in developing more effective and innovative teaching methods. In his presentation, Prof. Dr. Arshad Ahmad provides valuable insights into best practices in the learning process, emphasizing the importance of shifting the focus from the teaching process to a more active and engaged learning process.

This Visiting Scholar provides an opportunity for FEB Unila lecturers to gain new perspectives and inspiration in designing more meaningful learning experiences for students. Through productive discussions and questions and answers, lecturers can exchange information about teaching methods that are effective and successfully applied in various academic contexts. The presence of Prof. Dr. Arshad Ahmad at FEB Unila brings great benefits to the professional development of educators in this faculty, while opening up space to improve the quality of learning in the academic environment.