Visiting Scholar Program FEB Unila

Visiting Scholar Program FEB Unila

FEB Unila | On Thursday, (29/02/2024) the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Lampung (FEB Unila) hosted a special event featuring two Visiting Scholars from Canada as part of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) program. Prof. Bernard Rotberg and Prof. Christine Sallis took center stage, bringing deep insights into global economics and best practices in the field of business. The event was attended by international class students from FEB Unila, who were highly enthusiastic about listening to the presentations from the two experts and had the opportunity to ask questions and engage in discussions on relevant topics in the academic and international business world.

The arrival of Prof. Rotberg and Prof. Sallis was a valuable moment for FEB Unila in expanding its academic network and enhancing the quality of education and research within the campus environment. International class students at FEB Unila felt inspired and gained valuable new insights into facing global challenges in the future. This collaboration is expected not only to have a positive impact on the academic development of FEB Unila but also to enrich the learning experience of students and solidify the university’s position in the international network.