“Teaching Factory”, FEB Special Gift for UNILA

“Teaching Factory”, FEB Special Gift for UNILA

FEB Unila | The Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Lampung inaugurated Teaching Factory at the 53rd anniversary of FEB Unila Wednesday morning (26/09). The event, which began at 08.30 WIB, was attended by Lampung Province Government and Welfare Assistant Drs. Heri Suliyanto, MM., Chancellor of Lampung University Prof. Dr. Ir. Hasriadi Mat Akin, MP. Vice Chancellor for General Administration and Finance Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Kamal, M.Sc. Vice Chancellor for Planning, Cooperation and ICT Dr. Mahatma Kufepaksi, M.Sc. The Deans and the ranks of leaders in Lampung University, the Chairperson of the University of Lampung Dharma Wanita Association and members, FEB Lampung University elders invited guests and leaders and lecturers in the Uneb FEB environment.

“Teaching factory which consists of two twin buildings namely Business Learning Center and Enterpreneur Development Center is a learning system which will become a practice place for students and it is expected that after leaving FEB Lampung University, they can become entrepreneurs who are ready to compete after going through the learning process and guidance by the lecturers in this place. In this factory teaching there are good divisions based on partnerships, based on simulations, and also related to research and development. In addition, this teaching factory was also presented as a prize from the Faculty of Economics Unila to the University of Lampung in the framework of the 53rd University of Lampung Anniversary, “said the Dean of FEB Unila in his speech.

In his speech, the Chancellor of the University of Lampung said that Teaching Factory was one part of the University of Lampung, especially the Faculty of Economics and Business to welcome the 4.0 industrial revolution. How do we prepare a workforce that not only masters theory but also understands entrepreneurial practices, of course to form graduates who have competitiveness in the current era of globalization. The Chancellor of Unila also appreciated the inauguration of this teaching factory and hoped that other faculties could also participate in developing similar learning facilities.

The Governor of Lampung in his remarks delivered by the Assistant for Government and Welfare Drs. Heri Suliyanto, MM. congratulated the inauguration of the teaching factory of FEB Unila and hoped that Lampung University, which plays an important role as a producer of human resources with knowledge and technology, could become a pioneer in carrying out the change agenda which ultimately contributed greatly to the development and progress of Lampung province.

The inauguration of the Business Learning Center building and Entrepreneur Development Center was marked by ribbon cutting by the Dean of the FEB University of Lampung together with the University of Lampung Chancellor and the Lampung Province Government Assistant I. After that, a building review and signing of the inscription and cutting of tumpeng were carried out. At the inauguration event also continued with “Nyeruit” together. After that, it continued with a talkshow about entrepreneurs, about entrepreneurial success tips that brought professional speakers who had success in business. One of them is the owner of Tegar Tv Lampung Dr. Nurdiono, S.E., M.M., Akt., CPA., CSRS. and the owner of Kripik Shinta is typical of Lampung who is also an alumni of the Unila FEB Department of Development Economics. (Jaya / Yandi/Ning)