Student Affairs FEB Unila Holds TC Training on Writing and Presentation of Scientific Papers for Students

Student Affairs FEB Unila Holds TC Training on Writing and Presentation of Scientific Papers for Students

FEB Unila | The enthusiasm of FEB Unila students in writing scientific papers has recently been increasing. Therefore, the Student Affairs Division took the initiative to hold a Series of Training and Presentation of Scientific Works on Wednesday (09/09/2020) at the Hall of the Student Center, FEB Unila, 3rd floor. This activity was officially opened by Dr. Saimul, as Vice Dean of Students and Alumni Affairs FEB Unila. In his speech, Dr. Saimul emphasized the importance of scientific work to be an important part of winning awards and in preparation for thesis writing. In addition, the Student Affairs Sector will also continue to innovate in presenting useful activities for FEB Unila students.

This training activity was carried out by applying health protocols, presenting 2 presenters, namely: Muhammad Saputra, S.E., M.M (permanent lecturer at IIB Darmajaya management study program) and Tantut Wahyu Setyoko, S.Kom (Content Writer DQLab). Both provide material related to writing scientific papers, presentation techniques, and writing skills. (Suri/Arif)