Faculty of Economics and Business Collaborates with Wadwani Foundation to Conduct Entrepreneurship Development Training of Trainer
FEB Unila | The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) at the University of Lampung (Unila) has joined forces with the Wadwani Foundation to organize a Training of Trainer (ToT) program for entrepreneurship development. The event, attended by various campuses across Indonesia, aims to enhance entrepreneurial skills among students nationwide.
The four-day event, held from January 22 to 25, 2024, was formally inaugurated by the Dean of FEB Unila, Prof. Dr. Nairobi S.E.M.Si. In his opening remarks, Prof. Nairobi emphasized the importance of fostering entrepreneurship skills among students as a strategic step in preparing the younger generation for challenges in the business world.
“This ToT is a tangible step by the Faculty of Economics and Business Unila in supporting the government’s efforts to advance entrepreneurship among students. The collaboration with the Wadwani Foundation provides profound insights and understanding to sharpen entrepreneurial skills,” said Prof. Nairobi.
The program featured several prominent entrepreneurs and business practitioners who addressed various strategic aspects of business development. Training topics included business planning, marketing, financial management, and innovation in the ever-changing business landscape.
Furthermore, the ToT provided participants with the opportunity to collaborate and share experiences, fostering a close-knit network among students from different universities. It is hoped that participants will become agents of change within their respective campus environments, motivating their peers to embark on entrepreneurial ventures and innovations.
The Wadwani Foundation, as a co-organizer, expressed high appreciation for FEB Unila’s commitment to advancing entrepreneurship. “We believe that entrepreneurship education can change paradigms and create new job opportunities. This partnership will help create a younger generation better prepared to face global challenges in the business world,” stated a representative from the Wadwani Foundation.
With the conclusion of the ToT, it is expected that students who participated in this program will become agents of change, fostering the emergence of more young entrepreneurs across various campuses in Indonesia.