
2022 Exchange Partner Information

JOY Program (Exchange Program) The International Student Center of National University of Yokohama started the JOY Program for students from partner universities outside of Japan to give them the opportunity to experience Japanese university life for up to one year. International students who come to Yokohama National University are given the opportunity to gain a […]

By Apriyandi Apriyandi | Announcement

Implementation of Judiciary Period July and September 2021

It is notified to all prospective Graduates of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Lampung for the period of July and September 2021, the implementation of the Yudisium will be held online using the Zoom Meeting application on: Day/ Date : Thurday, 16 September 2021 Time        : 08.00 WIB until the end Please register below […]

By Apriyandi Apriyandi | Announcement

Distribution of UKT Aid for Odd Semester 2021/2022

Based on a letter from the Head of Education Financing Services of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Higher Technology regarding UKT/SPP Odd Semester Assistance for 2021/2022 dated 27 August 2021, the requirements for applying for UKT Assistance can be: 

By Apriyandi Apriyandi | Announcement

Odd Semester Lecture Schedule 2021/2022

The following is the Odd Semester Lecture Schedule for the 2021/2022 Academic Year; Diploma III Lecture Schedule Undergraduate Class Schedule International Class Schedule Master’s Class Schedule Doctoral Lecture Schedule

By Apriyandi Apriyandi | Announcement

Changes in the Flow of Free UKT Submission and Reductions

It was informed to all students of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Lampung that; The application for UKT Free or UKT Relief which was originally sent via was redirected via the following link: This transfer is effective from 11 August 2021 For students who have submitted an application before that date […]

By Apriyandi Apriyandi | Announcement

Collection of Unila MBKM Socialization Materials

The following is a collection of MBKM socialization materials, please download; 

By Apriyandi Apriyandi | Announcement

Announcement of Selection Results of Transferring Students

Based on the selection results of the transfer students from the Diploma III Program to the Undergraduate Program at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Lampung, the following students were declared to have passed:

By Apriyandi Apriyandi | Announcement

Notification of Graduation Implementation Period I T.A 2020/2021

Dengan ini disampaikan bahwa pelaksanaan wisuda periode I bulan September 2020 secara offline tidak dimungkinkan untuk dilaksanakan dengan beberapa alasan; Selengkapnya >>> Pelaksanaan Wisuda Periode I

By Apriyandi Apriyandi | Announcement

Filling of Student Biodata in Siakadu

Berdasarkan surat edaran Dirjen Dikti Kemendikbud Nomor: 913/E.E1/TI/2020 tentang Pemutakhiran Pangkalan Data Pendidikan Tinggi. Diberitahukan kepada mahasiswa agar segera mengisi dan melengkapi biodata diri di Siakadu. Jadwal pengisian biodata mahasiswa di Siakadu diperpanjang sampai dengan 10 September 2020. Selengkapnya : Pengisian Biodata Mahasiswa di Siakadu

By Apriyandi Apriyandi | Announcement

Registration of Permata Sakti Program 2020

Program PERMATA-SAKTI merupakan singkatan dari “Program Pertukaran Mahasiswa Tanah Air Nusantara – Sistem Alih Kredit dengan Teknologi Informasi”. Periode Pendaftaran dan Seleksi 1-3 September 2020 Pendaftaran bertempat di masing-masing Jurusan FEB Universitas Lampung, kuota peserta dari setiap jurusan terbatas. Ketentuan Peserta Program PERMATA-SAKTI 2020 Setiap peserta wajib mengikuti seluruh rangkaian kegiatan perkuliahan secara Jarak Jauh […]

By Apriyandi Apriyandi | Announcement